Barbara Salerno…We’re surviving the pandemic and living in North Port, FL.
My son’s family Hot Dog business has survived because of curbside deliveries. My other son has been working from home and both families have students E-Learning; college and below. We’ve have a new puppy so he brings us a lot of joy. We’ve been ordering delivered dinners and have only been out to dinner safely 4 times. I get exercise at the community pool and my partner Tony Watts has a self-made gym on our lana. I’m used to traveling many times during the year. Thankfully we got in a Caribbean cruise early in March before the pandemic got too serious. However we weren’t allowed off the ship at one of the islands because they were fearful we were bringing the virus to their small island! I had to cancel three trips, one to DC and two to Chicago. Hopefully we can get back to Chicago for Christmas, I miss my family.Some of my fondest memories Osco/Savon were the events, sample sales, anniversary parties, the Toy shows and all the reunions meeting some wonderful friends who are now my close friends!