The following update comes to us from member Beverly Brandmeyer:

I started at Osco Drug #409, in Moline, Il on September 19, 1974. I worked in the service desk and office, starting part-time and after a couple of years to full-time. In 1984 our store became a Jewel-Osco and I worked in the office and as a supervisor.
After 15 years, in January of 1989, I started working for district manager Ken Walker. I worked for Ken for six years until he moved to Arizona and then worked for our new Osco DM, Peggy Pfaltzgraff for eight years. Peggy later moved our office to the Bettendorf, IA Osco #861 store. When Peggy transferred to Arizona I worked for Osco DM Stan Petersen for four years and later CVS/pharmacy DM Sean Murphy for three years. Today I am back to working very part-time at CVS/pharmacy, still at the Bettendorf location, for CVS/pharmacy DM, Christine Janik. "Osco Drug" has been a part of my life since I was in my early 30's and I feel so blessed to have known so many wonderful people and work for such a great company. I enjoyed attending the August 2012 Osco 75th Anniversary Reunion Celebration immensely, attending with dear friend Dorothy Carey.
I have always enjoyed antiques/flea markets, our cabin at Leisure Lake in Iowa and today we are very involved with a local Jazz Club and travel to local and out of town festivals supporting Jazz Music whenever we can. I have been married to Jim for 50 years this past June. We have 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. LIFE IS GOOD AND WE ARE BLESSED!