John Nieman III…Life is great for John Nieman III. I reside mostly in Indianapolis (East Side - back to my early Osco Roots!) and spend some time in the winter in Phoenix.

Like everyone, 2020 and early 2021 has meant a lot of time at home. I work for Gleaners Food Bank in my retirement years and am able to order most of the food and schedule food loads from my home computer, but do go into the food bank a couple days a week if needed. I have a tight circle of friends and family that we have been able to socially distance and maintain some live interaction, but lots of computer screen time adds to my social schedule. I miss eating out, going to concerts and traveling, but am blessed to have the life I have. I love to read non-fiction mystery stories. I also do some creative writing of short stories (mostly for my family and friends tied to gifts or celebration). I have binge watched a lot of Netflix and Prime over the past year and look forward to spring when I can plant flowers and work in the yard. If normal ever presents itself, I will get back to traveling and seeing all the great things across the world that God has created for us! Hard to define the top vacation (I have been blessed to travel a bunch), but my top 5 include: Panama Canal Cruise, Multiple trips to Hawaii, Greece, Brugge Belgium and Barcelona Spain. What are some of your fondest memories of your time spent with Osco/SavOn? Every wonderful memory of my days at Osco/Savon/American Stores is tied to the people. I was able to move 22 times, live in 8 States and interact with thousands of great people in my 33 year career. I often think back to my earliest days as a part time kid at Osco Drug 874 in Muncie Indiana and wonder how I was ever lucky enough to start that job at 15 and retire from the same company (through many morphs/changes) 33 years later at the age of 50. I was truly blessed. I host a party in Indy each year on the Thursday before the Indy 500 for Osco alumni and friends in Indiana where we relive the same old stories, laugh at the same old jokes, but really just appreciate the special bond we had in a job that really provided a second family. If you are in Indy during that party, I would love for you to come on over and join us!