Dave and Debbie are living in North Phoenix in Sonoran Foothills. We are blessed to have our 2 sons Scott and Brian and their families live in the Valley as well. Deb and I especially enjoy our 4 grand children and their sleep overs. We just found out that Scott has been transferred to the Dallas, Texas area and will be relocating in May. Great excuse to make frequent Texas trips.
After CVS acquired Sav-on/Osco in 2006 Dave relocated to CVS home office in Rhode Island and we lived in the edge of Massachusetts. We enjoyed our time in New England but missed the AZ weather.
After getting retired early at age 56 in 2010 we moved back to Phoenix in early 2011. We had previously purchased our AZ retirement home so we just needed to execute our Massachusetts home sale and organize the move back to AZ.
After the early retirement and just weathering the economic downturn it become obvious I had to reinvent myself. I went to work for a Canadian Retailer in 2011 in their International Office in Bellevue, WA. I worked in Bellevue for about 1 year and realized I wasn’t getting back to Phoenix as frequently as previously planned so I gave them notice and left the business. They asked if I would be willing to take a company laptop home and do project work from home. I started Addington Retail Consulting and worked from home for them for 10 years doing project work. Primarily developing and managing a Competitive Pricing Process to include Competitive Price Checks, setting CPI Targets etc. On 1-31-2022 retired from that role.
In conjunction with my Consulting business I went to Real Estate Licensing School in 2012 and got my Sales Agent License. I’m beginning my 10th year selling Real Estate. I plan on continue with my Real Estate career as long as I’m healthy. I’ve been blessed to build a circle of friends with my Real Estate Clients and the Northwest Company leadership.
Debbie and I enjoy golf as our favorite pastime. We are members at the 500 Club and play an average of 3 times a week. We have husband and wife golf friends that we play with which works out well.
I struggled with a sore shoulder last year and my Orthopedic Doctor sent me for an MRI after multiple cortisone injections failed to sustain relief. The MRI revealed a torn left shoulder rotator cuff. Too many ivots over the years I guess. I have Total Shoulder Replacement Surgery scheduled for April 15th. With Physical Therapy following, it will potentially be this Fall before enjoying golf again.
With COVID the past 2 years we haven’t been travelers for the most part except to visit family in Indiana.
We are season tickets holders for the Phoenix Suns (Go SUNS) and the Arizona Cardinals (Go CARDS) and enjoy going to games. We also have a one and a half year old Boxer puppy (Lela) that keeps us running. Debbie just got a 2019 Corvette for Christmas that is an enjoyable addition to the 3 car garage.
Great to hear from you Dave!